How Are We Using Our Days?

A 30-year-old person has lived about 11,000 days. 50 years is 18,250 days. An 80-year-old has lived over 29,000 days! What have we done with our days, and what are we doing with our days? God will hold us accountable for how we have spent the time He gave us (Matthew 25:14-30). Will we be justified to tell God we had no time for Him, the very one who gave us our existence? Do we realize how valuable time is, and do we use our time wisely?… Read more

Majoring in Minors

After all that God has done for us, He deserves all our love and dedication, but is that what we give Him? It is so easy to become distracted by the things of this world and completely focus on things that are not as important as eternity. Do we have our priorities straight? Are we focused on less important things in life more than the most important things? Are we majoring in minors?

  • Are we knowledgeable and passionate about politics but lack interest in God’s Word and eternal matters?
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Being Habitually Late

Sometimes things happen that are outside of our control, causing us to arrive late for certain events, but what about those who are repeatedly late for spiritual events when they could have been on time? Being habitually late may be a symptom of other underlying issues, such as:

– Selfishness
– Laziness
– Lack of respect for other people
– Lack of respect for God
– Misplaced priorities
– Lack of interest in spiritual things (being carnally-minded)

Being late can also have a negative impact on others around us:

– It can be a distraction to those who are trying to learn
– It can be a distraction to those who are serious about worshiping God properly (Jn.… Read more