Your Greatest Happiness: In the Past or the Future?

Is your greatest happiness in the past, or in the future? If we live our lives always looking back, it’s like running backwards in a race we desperately need to win. That will only slow us down and make it very difficult to reach the goal. We cannot go back to the so-called “good old days,” but we can go somewhere even better. We are getting farther and farther from the past and our youth, but if we are faithful Christians, we are getting closer and closer to Heaven!… Read more

Have Ye Not Read?

Did Jesus emphasize reading God’s Word? The following is from Matthew’s Gospel account:

“Have ye not read…?” (12:3).

“Or have ye not read…?” (12:5).

“Have ye not read…?” (19:4).

“Yea; have ye never read…?” (21:16).

“Did ye never read in the Scriptures…?” (21:42).

“…have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God…?” (22:31).

If we do not know the Scriptures well, we will be easily deceived and may even deceive ourselves into thinking we are saved when we are not.… Read more

The Quran is Not the Word of God

The Bible is the Word of God.

If the Bible is the Word of God, the Quran is not the Word of God, because the Quran contradicts many fundamental concepts found throughout the Bible.

If the Bible is NOT the Word of God, the Quran is not the Word of God, because the Quran claims that the original words of the Bible came from Heaven (Quran 2:87, 136; 3:3; 4:163; 5:46), and that words from Heaven cannot be altered or corrupted (Quran 6:34; 6:115; 10:64).… Read more