Your Greatest Happiness: In the Past or the Future?

Is your greatest happiness in the past, or in the future? If we live our lives always looking back, it’s like running backwards in a race we desperately need to win. That will only slow us down and make it very difficult to reach the goal. We cannot go back to the so-called “good old days,” but we can go somewhere even better. We are getting farther and farther from the past and our youth, but if we are faithful Christians, we are getting closer and closer to Heaven!… Read more

Learning to Be Content

Many young people are constantly wishing to be older, and when they are old, they wish to be younger! Contentment seems to elude most people. When many children are in school, they cannot wait until they get their driver’s license. When they have that, they cannot wait to be old enough to graduate high school. Then they cannot be content until they graduate college or find their dream job, and after that they cannot wait until they retire.… Read more

You Would Feel So Much Better

Even for Christians, it is easy to focus on ourselves, feel self-pity, and think about how bad things are. It is good to remember that there are surely others who have worse circumstances than we do. Let us focus on ways we can help others and remember how blessed we are. If we start feeling sad in our own little world, we would feel so much better if we would:

  • Think about others around the world who are struggling with various problems.
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